Not too much to report.
- The stock GF30 fuel pump was working, but it's a bit intricate and fragile so I designed and prototyped a CNC aluminum fuel pump. It is based on the diaphragm membrane from a WYB carburetor. It works!
- The new engine (GF30 II) has been integrated and is undergoing testing on my test bench.
- With the stripped down fuselage hard mounted and the engine installed, vibration was fine in the X and Y directions, but a little excessive in Z. I need to test with the full airframe assembled and unconstrained to figure out if this is a real problem or just a result of bad fixturing.
- I needed to record a quick "win" so I put the wings on and did some more VTOL testing. It was the first time I used altitude hold and there were no problems.
- Progress is slow as I've only been able to devote about 4 hours a day on the project.